Sunday, May 20, 2012

Some spirtual struggles, nothing too crazy though

Well it has been quite a while since I last posted. I am not very good at this! Since then I am sure many wonderful things have happened, but I can't recollect any of them!
I have been in a very thoughtful mood however the past week or so & I have reflected a lot about who I am as a person, as a mother, as a wife, as a friend, etc. & this is what I have concluded.

I am a spiritually minded person that has all the intentions in the world to do so much for everyone around me, but fear, sometimes laziness, and lots of times forgetfulness get in the way. I want to be so much more uplifting and in tune with the Spirit, but the routine of the day, or the out-of-routine of the day makes it difficult. I forget to pray, I forget to read my scriptures and then at 1am when I get home from work & am finally laying in bed, the thought comes to my mind to read my scriptures. So I get my phone out and start reading. Yay!! I did it! Too bad I was too tired to really comprehend anything I was reading, but I feel better that I did it. Then the thought comes to me, "well did you pray yet?" and of course my response is "no". So I debate in my head, " 'should I kneel down & pray?' 'But I just laid down & I am too tired to get up'. 'Maybe I can kneel in my bed, or better yet, I will just say my prayers lying down..' 'YES! That is what I will do!'' Then, I wake up at 6:30am when my baby gets up and I think back & I never remember saying, "Amen".
Oh the worries I have in my life, but I have always realized that those little small things, like praying, reading my scriptures (and pondering them), etc were & are very important for me personally to do DAILY. I need the spiritual boost they offer & I don't know about the rest of the world, but I would like to know that I have God on my side, whatever is going on in my life & praying will help me accomplish that!

So there were my rantings I have been thinking about lately, thanks for being a listening ear. I hope the next time I post, I will be able to give good news that I am back into my good spiritual routine & I am working on more higher up spiritual goals besides the ones I should already have down pat.

Good bye for now!!

P.S. I should mention though... Conner, my little crazy monkey of a boy, is now one. He is walking, he is running, he is getting dirty, he now says 8 words or phrases and he is my joy & my life. Yay motherhood! I don't envy any of those women in the world that don't want children & only want success monetarily & in status. I would rather be a mom & be poor any day!!